SSB Recruitment 2018

The Sashastra Seema Bal has released the notification for the SSB Recruitment for 181 vacancies for the posts of SI, ASI & Head Constable. The SSB departments will be starting the online application process for its SSB vacancies in 2018 via the official website from 11th August 2018. The candidates can apply for the post on the official website. The candidates should submit the filled in application form before the last date i.e. 09/09/2018.

Recruitment Details

Examination Name SSB Recruitment 2018
Conducted by Sashastra Seema Bal
Posts SI, ASI, Head Constable
Vacancies 181
Application Mode Online
Application Starts 11/08/2018
Application Ends 09/09/2018
Exam Date To be released soon

Eligibility Criteria

The candidates applying for the SSB Recruitments must follow the following mentioned eligibility criteria.
Age limit: Given below is the age limit for each post.

Post Age limit
SI Staff Nurse 21-30 years
ASI Pharmacist 20-30 years
ASI Operation Theatre Technician 20-30 years
ASI Dental Technician 20-30 years
ASI Radiographer 20-30 years
ASI Stenographer 18-25 years
Head Constable 18-25 years

Educational Qualification: The candidates should read the official notification for each post specifically educational qualification will be provided. The candidate should check the specific post before applying.

Application Form

The candidate should read the information brochure before filling the application form. Following steps can be followed for filling the application form.
Candidate should visit the official website.
Candidate should click on the link of Apply now, the candidate must read the complete information bulletin before applying for the examination.
The candidate would be required to enter the details of Posts they are applying to, personal details, communication details, scanned documents, Educational details, and certificates, Photo ID Proofs.
The candidate would be required to choose a password of their own choice and this password will be used by the candidate in the future purpose.
The candidate would be required to pay the application fee.
Application fee: The General/OBC category candidate need to pay Rs. 100/- as the application fee only.
Selection Procedure: The Recruitment drive would involve the following selection procedure. It is a five-stage examination level that requires the candidate to excel to be qualified for the recruitment process.
Physical Efficiency Test: The candidate should read the information brochure for the details about each post specific physical efficiency test to be cleared.
Physical Standard Test: The candidates who qualify in the PET they will be advanced to the next level of PST. Candidates need to fulfill the requirement scale set for Physiques to clear the level.
Documentation: The candidates would be required to submit all the relevant details as mentioned in the information brochure. The candidate who fails to submit the documents will be exempted from advancing to further level.
Written Examination: Candidates would be required to appear for the two-tier written examination. Paper, I will be an MCQ type paper for 2 hours. Whereas the Paper II will be a technical written exam of 2 hours for selected posts.
NOTE: The candidate must go through the information brochure on the official website before advancing to the application form.

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